Tips For Submission

Tips for Written Testimonial Submission

1. Structure your testimonial: Begin with a captivating introduction, share your experiences and impact in a logical order, and end with a powerful conclusion.

2. Be specific: Include detailed examples, events, or moments that had a significant impact on you. This helps others connect with your story. 

Consider the below as a guide in preparing you to share your story:

  • Testimony Impact: How have your spiritual, medical, personal, financial (especially with regards to the act of tithing) challenges lead to a breakthrough? 
  • Service Impact: How has serving in a particular ministry positively changed your life? Baptism Impact: How has getting baptized positively changed your life? 
  • Ministry Impact: How has outreach from a particular ministry positively changed your life? 
  • Mission/Outreach Impact: How has Mt. Ennon’s humanitarian and evangelical efforts impacted the community?
  • New Membership: Have you experienced a transformative and life-changing  impact since becoming a member?
    Member Impact: Have you experienced a personal profound change, growth or been positively influenced by our church, ministry, a specific sermon or teaching, initiative or event?

3. Focus on emotions and personal growth: Describe the emotions you felt during your journey and how it transformed you. Discuss the positive changes you've experienced since becoming a member or engaging with the ministry.

4. Keep it concise: While detailing your experiences is important, keep your testimonial concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary repetition or tangents.

Tips for Creating a 30-Second Optional Video

1. Introduce yourself: Start by stating your name and mentioning your connection to the church or ministry.

2. Keep it concise: With only 30 seconds, focus on the most significant impact or transformation that you experienced.

3. Highlight key points: Share a brief overview of your written testimony, emphasizing the key moments or insights.

4. Be genuine and heartfelt: Let your passion and emotions come through in your video to create a powerful connection.

Remember, 30-seconds is a short amount of time. Use it to introduce yourself, share the highlights of your testimony, and use it as a complement to your written testimony.

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9832 Piscataway Road, Clinton MD, 20735

Mt. Ennon Baptist Church
